Jetanin Institute for Assisted Reproduction
Jetanin辅助生殖研究所 Since the birth of the World's first " test tube " baby - Louise Brown in 1978 , further developments by numerous workers in human IVF has gone into improving the procedure. The world-wide interest in IVF is due to the enormous problem of infertility and the lack of any opportunity for the infertile coup to have their own child. Many clinics around the world are practising human IVF with varying degrees of success.
With his great effort , the first pregnancy with GIFT technique was achieved in Thailand followed by hundreds of children born from this technique. Then in 1996 , the complete center for infertility treatment " Jetanin Institute for Assisted Reproduction " was established with the full range of treatment , the full facilities of service , the modern of out-patient and in-patient unit , operating theatre and laboratory facilities.
Jetanin Institute for Assisted Reproduction was founded to be the first complete assisted conception center in Thailand which provides a highly professional and fully comprehensive service for both the investigation and treatment of infertility. The hospital provides a seven day per week service throughout the year and welcome you with the nice atmosphere and comfortable environment.
Our own laboratories and theatres are equipped with modern instruments which can provide a comprehensive wide range of treatment including the special area in male factor disorder.We always catch up the newly high-tech treatments of varoius kind of problems.
All of our doctors, nurses, scientists and administration staff work together as an effective team to ensure the high standard of patient care, so that all our patients are given the very best chance of achieving pregnancy.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
体外受精 (IVF) 第一次在体外受精 (IVF) 宝贝,路易丝 · 布朗诞生以来体外受精发生了戏剧性的发展。体外受精较初设计为克服输卵管性不孕的问题,但现在广泛举行代表选择的原因不明的不育症、 男性因素、 子宫内膜异位症、 卵巢功能障碍抗性诱导排卵治疗.
体外受精适用于 输卵管病理
体外受精怀孕的结果 通过体外受精程序出生的婴儿表现出的先天性畸形也发育问题没有更大的发病率比自然受孕的多元性和妊娠匹配时一般人口中.
门诊服务 当您走进JETANIN医院,您一定能享受到医院保安人员、迎宾人员和各级员工温暖而友好的欢迎。前台大厅优雅而美观,分设各个独立部门,方便患者联系。
辅助受孕科 成功治疗不孕患者的因素有很多,一个是实验室中进行的辅助受孕技术。在实验室完美的环境下,胚胎能够正常发育。随着人类辅助生殖技术的不断发展和取得的巨大成功,受孕和怀孕率也跟着升高。
我们的服务 培育试管婴儿 (IVF)
卵浆内单精子注射 (ICSI)
睾丸精子吸取术 (PESA / TESE)
遗传学实验室 遗传学实验室开设检测分析服务,允许对胚胎进行植入前基因检测,即众所周知的PGD。它可以帮助选择无遗传性疾病的胚胎转移到女性子宫进行怀孕。PGD技术能辅助治疗不孕不育症,并防止遗传性异常疾病传给下一代。此外,还提子检测分析服务,采用FISH技术计算出X染色体精子和Y染色体精子的百分比,用于治疗不孕不育症。
精液实验室 您能在JETANIN医院体验到与众不同的取精室。我们将室内布置成卧室风格,室内配备了所需的便利设施、杂志和视频设备,以增加室内的舒适氛围,方便男性取到精液样本。取精前,医务人员将向您详细说明正确的流程。获取精液样本后,您可将精液送至旁边的精液实验室。
地址:5 Soi Chidlom, Ploenchit Road, Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10300
电话:0755-888 59866
邮箱:[email protected]